Constantly shoving down protein is their problem
Posts made by Jakeandpace
RE: How you discovered Peat?
Guy called Christopher walker years ago talking about increasing your T with his 'thermodiet'. He mentioned Ray Peat once and it peaked my interest so I got digging only to find Danny Roddy and he never left my mind.
RE: Fixing my problems
Ok so I don’t think vegetarianism and or veganism works long term.
My diet today is just sort of looking to be more of balanced diet but like with some slight alterations. This goes back to what I said about traditions in the previous post and actually circles back to a post I made in the philosophy tag about the pyramid of learning and mastering.
When we first learn about nutrition when we are very young we are taught that a balanced diet is best and from there it is a long journey of acquiring different pieces of knowledge and tools until we finally arrive back to where we started however this time we are more informed. It’s poetic really. look at guys like Matt Blackburn who basically just eats a normal diet at this point with added supplements.
You’ve got to really be thinking about your nutrition but also take a step back and thinking about those around you, what allows them to thrive? They’re doing everything wrong! Or are they, they’re eating balanced meals that vary from day to day and aren’t being super autisic about everything. Take a break everyone once in a while and eat what everyone else is, you may glean some insight.
I think a vegan/vegetarian day (no eggs but milk could be acceptable) once or twice a week could be beneficial. I experienced definite benefits that were very pronounced but I couldn’t do it long term, not at least for now while my knowledge of food is fairly limited.
Potatoes causing skin issues
Anyone have any idea why when I eat potatoes made into fries in coconut oil they seem to cause my skin to become less tight and look almost loose?
This happens pretty regularly. I may try sweet potatoes and see if they have this effect but it kinda is bugging me. It must be something to do with the potato like potassium or zinc maybe because I don’t get this with other starches like bread or rice.
RE: Fixing my problems
Especially looking at guys like Clarence Kennedy who managed to hit all of his heaviest lifts while vegan I think I know why it works. If you don't eat a boatload of nuts and do all that weird raw vegan bs then you're just loading up on a boatload of carbs. I saw Clarence say he averages 800g of carbs a day mostly from white rice. The only thing holding him back I'd say is his soy milk and cooking oil (Avocado so not the worst choice considering).
It seems clear to me at least that peats principles are plant based with occasional animal foods to supplement if you even need them.
I have also been thinking about tradition and religion and I am connecting some dots that they seem to outline a trend towards an optimal diet for longevity of not just people but of nations. We may forget scientific reasons as they are always changing but tradition remains as a backbone often times in society and can be the glue by which we as a species maintain good diets lifestyle and community without stagnating to far into destruction. For example catholics usually have a fish Friday according to the bible (weekly selenium, copper, zinc and other trace minerals?) and don't eat meat on a Sunday I think? I could have that wrong but it is all very interesting and coincidental.
Is this the real reason for religion and traditions? who knows but that's just my thoughts and sorry if they're a bit disjointed.
RE: Fixing my problems
been eating mostly vegetarian these past few days feeling actually good. Egg protein always gives me a bad reaction and feels heavily inflammatory. Been cooking meals without meat and getting my protein from milk alone and some from plant foods. Averaging around 70g of protein a day.
I feel great, my hair has lost its brittleness and doesn't sway between being dry and oily. I have been sleeping well. Leg and arm pain I have been getting is no longer present. Only enough My finger nails were starting to look slightly clubbed and I was getting really worried about my vascular health. Now my nails seem to be returning to normal.
My hands and feet are almost always regularly warm.
I saw a thread on RPF on veganism from a peat perspective and I think it brings up a lot of great points on why it could be a good idea. I find it such a pain to balance the proteins in muscle meat all the time and I just feel a constant low grade inflammation from them, maybe I will only eat gelatinous meats now with occasional muscle meat.
Eating a lot of leafy greens, carrots, some lentils, milk, egg yolks, bread and wheat, potatoes, coconut oil and plenty of fruits.
RE: When peating fails
It’s a very sweet science and easy to mess up. I think many people get worse trying to peat because it’s so complex.
I have probably gotten worse in some regards but also better in others, it’s tough to gauge sometimes
RE: Personal Log - Digestion, energy, vitality
What is your activity levels like? I’ve noticed walking regularly and/or sprinting tend to speed up digestion.
Also I pretty heavily relied upon nicotine for a while which tended to greatly speed up bowels and made my bloating disappear completely, it gave me a very flat stomach that felt great and it was a very similar feeling to thyroid in that regard. Not so similar to thyroid as it made me manic even in smaller doses. Vitamin D tends to eliminate bloating when taken orally but also makes me feel weird when I take it for too long so I only reserve it for when I know I need it. Thyroid has eliminated bloating for me as well but it’s hard to find the right dose. When I’ve eaten liver in the past it has had the same effect but also comes with other bad side effects at higher doses.
I’d say nicotine is a no go long term solution that may be helpful in the short term.
I’m very serious about sprinting though. It has been the most beneficial to my health over any food or supplement.
That’s just my experience with things in terms of digestion
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
I think they are trying to invoke the 'simple honest clean lifestyle' with the most bland foods imaginable because bland = holy and spice or extravagance is akin to hedonism and therefore sin.
This idea fits into their heavily restrictive and monk like diets.Similar to how carnivore is paired with conservatism and veganism is paired with leftism so too is the Low A movement tending towards christianity.
All of these ideas tend to be paired with other ideas and other ideas and even more ideas. Like music for example or art or fashion. It seems to be the natural inclination for ideas to group but it's up to the individual to be able to sift through these ideas and not get caught up in ideology and if they do then they'd better have a strong grasp and comprehensive reason for such ideology.
RE: Fixing my problems
I'm not saying VA doesn't accumulate in the hypothyroid. I am saying that people who subscribe to the diet of low vitamin A don't make that distinction, for them it is merely that VA accumulates in everyone without much nuance and that it is only a toxin with no vitamin like properties. To them someone like Danny Roddy should have ungodly amounts of VA to the point of death as they don't take thyroid into account.
RE: Fixing my problems
In regards to the maxilla
I notice a few things tend to move it forward but I think it has something to do with VA and or Steroidogenesis from increasing the dosage from VA. I seem to recall peat saying this in regard to him taking DHEA and it growing his wisdom teeth.
I had a similar experience but instead it was with liver, I had a moderate dose of liver and within the next day I could feel my cheeks become fuller, vision getting better and maxilla moving forward. I also read a thread of someone on Ray peat forum who claimed Perfect vision to be downstream of a forward grown maxilla and although he got mocked I believe it to be true.
Also exercises that tend to be good for posture are probably more important, things like sprinting etc. I have noticed everything improves after sprinting and my jaw rotates to a more neutral position after a session. Functional patternshave probably hit the nail on the head in this regard, just look at their results.
Of course there is mewing but I have tried it for years with minimal results. Jaw is downstream of posture and a functional body.
So yea I think it has something to do with hormone's and perhaps VA as a growth factor as well as applying the correct pressure to the body in order for it to grow correctly.
RE: Peaty Video Games?
I think a good mixture of games is helpful and I’d put them into these categories.
Problem solving and adventure games (think god of war, uncharted etc),
world building creativity games like mincecraft and terraria and
first person shooters or fast twitch games like COD and Rocket league.
I think a selection of these types of games are best, just play what feels right.
RE: Fixing my problems
Completed a few sessions of sprinting recently barefoot and I must say it opens your posture up quite nicely and gets me breathing like I should with my diaphragm. Also seems to increase leg hair
RE: I have hit rock bottom please help.
well it won't be overnight. I'd just focus on foods that don't trigger a gut reaction first of all and go from there. It does seem like you need to fix your gut before anything else.
RE: Have 2500 ng/dl testosterone and my life ruined
I assume you have halted the T if not are tapering it off?
Look at what Ray has said about these doses of T, a lot will be converted into estrogen. Progesterone could be a substance to test as it would both lower your T (in higher doses) and estrogen. I've heard Ray say that only low doses of things like T should be used and only when you have everything else in check like thyroid calcium, vitamin D etc. Hopefully this helps
RE: Milk Powder Pancakes
Yea I felt great when I had them a few months back and not sure why I stopped. I may try making them in bulk.
RE: Psychadelic-Esque Breakthrough Resulting from Thyroid Therapy
Wow that’s a lot. I’ve experienced something similar with Tyromix as well and also audible thyroid. I believe I overdosed on audible believe it or not trying to push the positive effects too far.
RE: No starch?
I couldn’t really digest starch until I decided to start combining it with a moderate amount of fat, now it digests perfectly. Try making your own fries/chips using coconut oil and butter adding butter to rice etc. A baked potato with plenty of butter.
When I have rice or potatoes without much fat it is often a gamble whether it will digest well.