Been away from the forum for a while, came back to see what’s happening. I haven’t been on the forum because it is really bad for my mental health. My social life and life in general takes a backseat to health.
Health is like a wild goose chase sometimes and because of that it in my opinion it can actually be healthier to take a look at your life and its direction than fix a problem that needs not be fixed. I think a lot of people delude themselves into a lack of Health and vitality (although not all).
Pursuing avenues that you want to explore in a creative way is much more healthy than “trying” to fix a problem related to your health sometimes and I think activated learned helplessness especially when trying solutions that don’t seem to work.
Taking the avenue that nothing needs to be fixed within your body is the first step and Ray spoke of this when taking about cancer treatment and how doctors feel the need to hack away at the body to remove the cancer.
Recently I’ve been thinking of Danny and Ray talk about people who have a purpose and direction in life through meaningful work. Danny points out that Ray (and himself I’m assuming) always seem to note that these people have the most vitality, look the youngest and have that youthful energy. I myself have noticed this.
Ray also said that when people tend to forget (or stop obsessing) about health they tend to be a lot healthier at that point.
The stress of obsessing over health (I emphasise the obsessing part) is probably worse than living life eating similarly to others who are not.
Another point is the point of the conscious mind. Ray said that he likes to take days (it might have been a week) where he doesn’t like to do much speaking or reading or writing, only focussing on the visual and I think this is related to activating the conscious mind. When you’re constantly being bombarded by language and information on forums your concious mind is also being activated, leaving little room for the subconscious to do the processing, I’ve noticed that some days I might take a break from talking or listening to music so much and all of a sudden I’m more fluent in both instruments and language. (This may be related to serotonin systems)
Brute de force speaks of the subconscious a lot if you know of him.
I wear glasses, I’ve noticed when taking them off and focusing on what I see for extended periods of time my vision gets better, slowly but surely. I’m more direct in my speech, I want to progress my life.
This is all to say that these forums may be a place meant for infrequent use and not to be checked daily. If you are serious about cultivating knowledge you’ll abandon the wild goose chase and allow the subconscious to do its processing, let the conscious mind rest while you recharge for the next conquest.
And this may be a step in the right direction showing that people are living and not ruminating.
Thanks for reading my monologue, as I say I don’t check the forum much anymore but be sure to leave your thoughts if you think I’m talking absolute rubbish or not I’d love to hear it.