@FitnessMikey zinc has done great things for me as well.
Posts made by Jakeandpace
RE: what are the most dopaminergic things you tried?
RE: Niacin now toxic according to GG
I find it interesting that GG is now playing into the religious elements that Charlie and other folks in the Toxic Bile cohort are expounding.
It seems that like how carnivore is related to conservatism and veganism is related to leftism there is now a push for the Toxic Bile to be related to Christianity reinforcing the cult like nature of the community. Mangoes are now the forbidden fruit and those that eat them are sinners.
RE: Peating in poverty
Coconut oil isn't too expensive where I live. What about butter? Liver is dirt cheap where I live and so are potatoes.
You sound young based on your circumstances. I'd say to try and not worry about peating for now until you can change your living situation. Sometimes living your life is the healthiest thing you can do. I also assume you don't have a job as you've got no bank account so I'd say that's a place to start as well.
Tight Jaw
Hi has anyone ever experienced a tight jaw feeling even when not clenching. I have noticed that my jaw muscle gets really tight some days and it begins to hurt the bones in my face (mainly my jaw but sometimes my cheeks and nose). I tried searching the old forum but couldn't find much useful info.
I feel it may be related to serotonin.
Niacin now toxic according to GG
What's next? Thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C?
Btw he comes to this conclusion from eating bread all the time and noticed it was fortified and getting dandruff. Can't possibly be anything else can it? no it must be niacin.
If we define something as bad for us due to the fact it has a known toxicity level then where do we draw the line? As far as I'm aware zinc and iron can be dangerous in high amounts, does this mean Grant Should give up all that red meat he is eating? Let's see where his logic leads us.
Symptoms of iron toxicity : Iron toxicity can be classified as corrosive or cellular. Ingested iron can have an extremely corrosive effect on the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa, which can manifest as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, hematemesis, and diarrhea; patients may become hypovolemic because of significant fluid and blood loss.20 Jul 2023 SOURCE
Grant - "Yes, I’ve heard the lame excuse of: “It’s the dose that makes the poison.” Obviously, that’s not true. It’s just more pharma propaganda. No, a poison is always a poison, and regardless of the dose. That’s why it’s called a poison! Taking any amount of a poison will damage, or kill, at least some of your cells. So, the dose only dictates the scope and severity of the damage caused by the poison."
There you go Grant, you can stop eating all that red meat now as we now know Iron is poisonous and therefore has no role in human physiology. Case closed.
And yes there is argument to actually be made for iron accumulation but the point still stands. We don't define something as a nutrient or a poison just based off whether it can have toxic effects in high enough quantities as there are a variety of factors at play and these molecules often play a crucial role in the human body.
Even Peat people understand Irons role in health despite its toxicity which is why it is a good example. The dose truly does make the poison.
RE: Methionine/Cysteine restriction increases longetivity AND energy expenditure
I mean in a lot of these studies restricting protein really means increasing carbs at its expense by quite a significant margin.
RE: Vitamin A deficiency kills over half-million kids each year.
I'd say that most people in these low A fields are seriously looking for a solution despite being misguided so don't hold it against them too much. I'm sure they will come back around when they realise most of their benefits are from an extremely low fat diet.
RE: why isnt there a wikipedia page for Ray Peat????
Yea it would be a good idea I think to have a page that summarises his philosophies, ideas and where he got them from.
RE: IdeaLabs supplements for sale (or trade)
Energin here I’d be willing to trade
RE: Fixing my problems
@Mulloch94 Yea more like 5 or 6 beers. Im a young man. And on weekends yes but this is only occasionally. I think beer is probably the worst for your gut so I may switch to something else. But I plan on limiting my alcohol intake again as I had not drank for several months for a good while.
Yea not a fan of the way beer makes me feel for days after.
And to touch on that temperature thing with hot and cold flashes I believe I have some sort of infection like strep throat although it is weirdly getting better with aspirin so Im gonna go and get it checked out. I had been getting hot flashes for a while and never cold flashes where my body would actually heat up.
Maybe it's a sign that my body is normalising and fighting an infection that has been present for a while? I have had a white coat on my tongue for many months now and it seems to be clearing up somehow. Maybe down to the vitamin D? who knows -
RE: Fixing my problems
Been feeling a bit strange. Drinking too much alcohol lately. There is definitely some benefit in the social aspect and spontaneous nature of going out with friends but it definitely takes a toll as well.
A healthy balance should be found or find a way of socialising that doesn’t involve alcohol. In my country that is surprisingly difficult.
I have grown to love aspirin again. I think after getting the basics of diet down which involves plenty of calcium, carbs and gelatin (when available) the aspirin is finally having a profound effect. After getting many hot flash like symptoms the aspirin knocks it out and seemingly gives me chills, these chills are then followed about 30 minutes later by a radiating warmth all over my body.
I think the chills is my body heating up and hot flashes cooling down. Ray has mentioned this before and I find it to be true. When I get these ‘chills’ for like 20 minutes I notice my skin (body) becoming increasingly warm and once it has reached the peak my chills disappear and energy flows very very nicely. Love it.
Also been eating oysters, liver and learning to cook oxtails. I’ll hopefully get better at cooking with these foods.
RE: Liver recipes
I use liver in a curry dish usually and it tastes pretty good. Plenty of salt and carbs too
RE: Fixing my problems
Found some good food sources recently and continuing to improve.
Local Duck eggs, the yolk is about double the size of a regular egg and is a lot thicker and creamier. The white is about the same size.
Instead of having 2 eggs I instead have one due to the size of the yolk.
The quality of these eggs are far superior to any sort of chicken eggs I’ve found.White carrots. Recently found someone selling white carrots. It is very useful and helps to avoid any negative effects from the carotene in regular carrots.
Local honey, good stuff.
Amazing the effect that food can have. Quality eggs are kind of rare but so incredibly superior.
As of now I’m only taking D3. Dropped Niacinamide and thiamine because they gave me sort of weird mental effects like adhd as well as eye floaters and various things.
Also some k2 every once in a while.
RE: Figuring out digestive issues
Do you do any mushrooms or carrot salad?
I’d recommend either one once a day -
RE: Bioenergetic Music/Music Theraphy.
@Kilgore agreed also anything by pink Floyd.
I'd recommend Wunderhorse:
RE: Has anyone felt worse after eating seed oils?
When I was much younger I was particularly sensitive to food.
My Gran would always make lovely slow cooked lamb stews with potatoes and carrots and onions which I had no problems with and enjoyed very much, she fed me cheese and peeled apples in a bowl and always had sugary snacks for me. I would cry when I had to leave her house.
Every time without fail when we would go out to eat or get food ordered in from a fish and chips shop I would feel deathly sick afterwards and often throw up. The fish was always 'battered' which basically means deep fried in vegetable oil, and I never seemed to have a problem if I avoided the batter and ate the lean fish inside.
RE: Grant Genereux admits he "didn't do a whole lot a research" for his anti-vitamin A books
A lot of the correlations he makes in the book with vitamin A is all predicated upon the point of fish oil containing high amounts of it. I read the book and made several notes at points where he makes correlations between fish oil and disease. Of course the problem with fish oil is probably gonna be the PUFA and not the vitamin A but he doesn't seem to consider any of that. He also makes the assertion that cold water fish seems to be worse and must somehow have a higher retinol content, Face palm. Cold water fish have more PUFA, Ray has spoken of this countless times.
"""Other countries with high rates of fish consumption, but specifically from cold waters, also have high rates of eczema and Alzheimer’s, and I have no doubt Crohn’s/IBD, too. Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland definitely do. Here’s a world map showing vitaminA deficiency: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_A_deficiency """(Pg 218)
Could be easily attributed to the PUFA content of these fish and it would make more sense since there is a higher content of PUFA in these fish than vitamin A when we compare it to other animal protein rich foods.
"""he colder waters require fish to have higher oil content, and probably a higher level of vitamin A.""" (PG 222)
Key word, probably. But they most definitely have a higher oil content (PUFA).
There are many more examples of correlation not even making much sense like when he speaks of the fortification of food in the 1970's yet I doubt the fortification of food increased people's daily VA compared to before. A lot of stuff happened in the 1970's with our food including the introduction of seed oils.This is really his main argument the (whole fish oil thing), the rest of the 'science' in the book is just poorly researched made up stuff that he speculates on, no integrated picture of it all like Peat although he seems like a nice enough guy.
RE: why fat ppl often have beards?
Asians can grow beards it’s just against their culture (in Japan anyway) unless you are old.