@caudillofranco Thanks man, will check it

Posts made by milkgains_bro
RE: Laser Eye Surgery - is it safe?
Laser Eye Surgery - is it safe?
I have myopia (short-sightedness) with -2 diopters per eye and have been wearing glasses for about 10 years. Im 26 btw.
Recently I have been thinking about having an laser eye operation so that I can stop wearing glasses. What do you think about it, do you think it is safe?
Would appreciate any opinion.
RE: Experiments with transdermal hormones
@wester130 With DHT in DMSO my estrogen gets to very low levels, so my libido, mood etc is tanked. I did not liked it at all. Transdermal test is much better since its boost test, estrogen and DHT all at once.
RE: What is the most effective protocol for young men to looksmax?
@Sugar Lift weights, have a lowish body fat, dont bulk.
RE: Getting fkn SHREDDED
@Beach-Stud hey bro, I'm trying a similar approach. How many kcals do you consume daily?
I had to increase my deficit a bit to start up the fat loss. I'm doing 3 full body workouts per week and one sprinting workout.
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@jwayne Interesting, can you share a link? I cant see the forum
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@jwayne Hey, do you have a profile on RPF by any chance? Whats your nickname there?
RE: Stopping teeth grinding in sleep
I would suggest trying mouth taping. I had issues with mouth breathing during night and mouth tape did wonders to me. Maybe could help you with your teeth grinding as well.
RE: Peaty Daily Hair Styling
@onliest I had the same issue as you. Have a medium length hair and every morning is a fucking pain for me.
Now I'm using DIY spray with epsom salt, taurine and few drops of jojoba oil.
RE: Advice on diet in building phase
@Nikolai Dried dates are great. The medjool ones are the best.
RE: Revisiting Oral Testosterone
@Crypt-Keeper I think some people even tried oral testosterone in vit e. Similar to progest e.
RE: Testosterone + DHT cycle
@angel With that much dht I would say that your estrogen is tanked.
Also the test converts to the dht.
So drop the dht and after few days you should get better
RE: Feeling unemotional since Peating. Thoughts?
@aeblyve Do you take any supplements? Vit K, Vit D, Vit E, aspirin? It might be a low estrogen problem.
RE: Androsterone
@Mulloch94 what would you suggest for someone has low estrogen and want to increase it?
RE: PSA TO ALL PPL/DO (PurplePandaLabs/DragonOrdnance) SHOPPERS
@brightside I had very good experience with Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co. You can check their thread on ThinkSteroids with latest review etc. They had good amount of raws in ther portfolio.
RE: Experiments with transdermal hormones
@brightside Hey, what is your current formula that gives the most satisfying results? I mean especially for the testosterone.
I have tried several formulas including DMSO, Ethanol, IPM, Menthol etc. But I could not find anything that I could stick to long term or that it would give me the results I want.
I think the biggest problem for me is the spike in hormones. Thank you.
RE: Experiments with transdermal hormones
@brightside Thanks for this thread.
RE: Any experiences with DHT?
You can buy your own DHT powder and dissolve it in DMSO or Ethanol.