Whether most of what you wrote is true or not, I don't know. But I'll entertain the ideas presented in your post, comment on them, and offer interpretations I see as more rational.
This genetic manipulation meant that the vast perception range of humans in the real golden age was now gone, and a series of genetic ‘upgrades’ (slavegrades) have confined humanity to this sliver of ‘reality’ — visible light. This involved a massive infusion of reptilian genetics to connect humans vibrationally to their ‘Matrix’.
Human vision, via the eyes, is confined to the spectrum of visible light. However, perception can go beyond this.
The Reptilians created humans in their genetic image in that they infused the human body-computer with their own reptilian information and coding.
Now, linking this into my other posts. What exactly is this human form they created in their image, and tuned human awareness into?
I quote Christ:
‘Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.’
Here, The Master declares that the father of mortal man is none other than The Devil, and that his domain is lust, and that there is no truth in him.
From this, it appears that what humans (or perhaps more appropriately, "souls") were tuned into was the human body itself, not necessarily having needed to be modified by some entities known as reptilians. The body exists in space and time, but true reality is that which is outside of space and time, the One. Hence, we could say that the realm of time and space is the father of mortal men.
It is dangerous to believe that people don't believe you because you're telling the truth. If a person truly believes this, they trap themselves in a position where they can't (from their perspective) be proven wrong, even if they truly are wrong. There are various reasons for why people dismiss truths. But as far as I know, people don't dismiss truth just because it's true. I've never needed such a concept to understand human behaviour.
The mortal man is the same human ‘body-computer’ that the reptilians created through their genetic manipulation and tuned human awareness into it. This mortal man is unreal; and is propagated through the serpent’s mind, which is the mind of the fallen angels, and is death. Death is the absence of God’s mind in the consciousness of the soul - the spiritual man made in God’s image.
The realm of time and space is in a constant flux of death and birth. Change is death. That which was is no more. But then something else occurs, or perhaps you could say is born.
A relevant quote:
"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." - Heraclitus
But with constant change, there must be something beneath it which makes it possible, something unchanging. This could be called the One, or God, or pure potential.
There is definitely a part of us which is real, beyond the material unreality. This is confirmed through experience. Without an experiencer, there is no experience. And that which doesn't exist can't experience. This would be the part of us which remains, the one that is connected to the One, while the "mortal man" keeps constantly dying.
The ‘lie of the serpent’ is that the sex and lust senses are the source of life, when in fact, they are the source of death, the sex and lust senses whereby mortal man is propagated IS the serpent’s mind which connected humanity to the fake ‘Matrix’, it ‘IS* the hive mind - the mind of the fallen angels. The fallen angels are attempting to assimilate human awareness into their domain. That is the true yet horrible truth.
If the sex and lust senses are the serpent's mind, then the serpents mind is the physical body. Our consciousness is formed through the combination of the soul and the body (I feel like words are limiting me here). Soul is pure and makes consciousness possible. Consciousness is also dependent on the body, and the body alters consciousness. Sex and lust senses are there for a reason: for the continuity of animal life. The soul separated from the body has no lust.
Christ and the Apostles were from a more ancient domain and were manifest here to prevent this from occurring. Christ (The Son of God) was manifest without the law of lust of the fallen angels (immaculate conception) and was therefore free from ‘sin’ which is sex-lust, and overcame the serpent’s mind in thought desire and consciousness, and therefor overcame death and came out of the grave
Perhaps Christ realized that the true self is the soul. The body still dies, but the the body is no longer being identified with. The soul is realized to be the true self. And so in a way, he overcame death (the realm of time and space). I suspect the story of Christ is more metaphorical than literal.
All sickness, disease, and insanity comes out of the mesmerism of the serpent’s mind. The human race thus hypnotized by the serpent mind believes the lie of there serpent - that there is pleasure and life in the sex-lust senses and therefore propagates here in this mortal state, and goes to the grave.
The soul confusing itself for, identifying with, the material world it perceives.
Everything you (@wester130) wrote beyond this point can be interpreted through the perspective I provided. However, there are some comments I still want to make.
The serpent (mind of the fallen angels) lives and has his being within the thoughts of the sex brain. The thoughts of this serpent, which are lust, poison both body and mind, and produces directly or indirectly the diseases of the human race, and damns the soul. It is the mind of fallen spirits, whom God cast out of his presence for having rebelled against him as life.
I don't think it's a good idea to view these as "poison". Everything comes from the One, and nothing is without purpose. You can choose to have sex or to abstain from it. Both are valid decisions. But if transcendence (if that's the right word) is desired, it's paramount not to remain attached to the physical. The various things life has to offer can be enjoyed without identifying with them or becoming attached to them. Being in the world, not of it.
The fallen spirits are in outer darkness. They have no consciousness of that which is holy and divine. They are lustful in thought and nature. This is sin; and this is death; and the “devil sinned from the beginning;” that is, was carnal in thought. This was the origin and the beginning of sin and death
Sin, in this case, could be interpreted as the lack of wisdom, or the knowledge of that which is eternal, or true self-knowledge.
The lust of the flesh is the mind of fallen spirits - the mind of the fallen angels. Had our Lord yielded to this mind, this fallen race would have been eternally lost. But by overcoming the serpent’s mind, in thought and consciousness, he kept the holy state of thought and consciousness and became the redeemer of the human race.
Here "thought" and "consciousness" aren't the best words to use. It's through wisdom, by recollecting the self, that the illusions are burned away. The soul, no longer searching itself from outside, will no longer get trapped, or embodied, and therefore it overcomes death.
At the basic energetic level, humanity essentially has become a battery for this archontic energetic distortion - all the thoughts of sorrow, envy, hatred - low vibrational emotional energy, are generated and the ‘fallen ones’ can then absorb, synchronize, and feed on it.
Could very well be that the soul, being in essence one with God, can be used as an energy source to power the world. If this is the case, then perhaps, if we harness the power intentionally, it would be possible for us to bend reality to our will. But if this is possible, I can imagine a person wielding such power destroying themselves with it, becoming high with power. The beneficial use of it would require an appropriate orientation or direction of the mind, if this is the right way to say it (again, I feel limited by words).
Remember the traits that ‘emanate’ from the reptilian mind or serpents mind are not just lust they are also: psychopathy (no empathy), ritualistic behavior, a desire for control, compulsions and obsessions, worship, rigidity, and hierarchies.
As with lust, these also come from the animal body and are involved in survival (or adaptation to stressors) and the creation of offspring.
The ‘truth vibrations’
Truth, or rather wisdom, does not vibrate. Vibration is motion, motion is change, and change is death. Wisdom is eternal and still.
A few final notes:
- This is perhaps just personal taste, but I'd rather limit life to the realm of time and space. Life and death happen there, and that which is eternal is beyond life and death.
- It was mentioned that there is a separation from God, at least for some. This, however, can't be true in the literal sense. If God was before everything else was, then the only "material" that could be used to create things is God. Everything that is real is God, and that which isn't God isn't real. But there can be a separation from God in the sense than one identifies with the unreal, and is ignorant of their connection to God.
- The book "Return to the Brain of Eden" by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn feels relevant here, though it's approach or lens to these matters is quite different to what I've written here. It's more biological and less philosophical. Nonetheless, I think it could help provide some perspective. Reading Peat's work also helps.