@Chud i tried it for about 2 years with no results
I have to be honest
instead now I do topical minerals, zinc/copper/selenium/iodine and trace minerals
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
@Chud i tried it for about 2 years with no results
I have to be honest
instead now I do topical minerals, zinc/copper/selenium/iodine and trace minerals
"Estriol, however, has been shown to protect against estrogenic cancers, decreases the risk of fibrocystic changes in the breasts, and can even help women with estrogen-related weight changes to drop the extra pounds."
in the presence of estradiol, it is antiestrogenic
@herayclitus you really need a selenium/iodine (not megadose) supplement
200mcg of each
liquids are easier and purer
@happyhanneke probably makes things worse
I have reached the conclusion that a supplement of
iodine (not a megadose, normal dose,)
is better for the thyroid than thyroid hormone
This supplement looks excellent
Taking thyroid hormone never addresses the problem, a chronic low intake of iodine and selenium
I first started out peating in 2015
I cooked potatoes, rice, bread and croissants in coconut oil, not perfect but it was a start.
Added it to everything
Also supplement caffeine, niacinamide etc
I've eaten more coconut oil than most people in society, I feel fine and am a rational human being.
vitamin e, niacinamide, taurine/zinc can protect you from PUFA
@thyroidchor27 what iodine?
how much?
The problem is people mega dose iodine and it gives it a bad reputation.
Daily dose of 200mcg is safe
These beauty products use copper sulfate and zinc sulfate
Has anyone tried this?
It would likely help
@Crypt-Keeper just 5ml of food grade ethanol mixed in would solve it
@BeamsOfEnergy I was quoting someone else
bio-identical DHT:
-makes you calm en sleepy
-you feel very happy
-Obvious dopamine increase
@Androsclerozat if starch is slave food, what is PUFA in metaphorical terms?
@DavidPS it also solves heart disease in the Linus Pauling protocol
it's an interesting substance
@DavidPS how similar is proline to glycine??
I find glycine makes me sleepy
is this a better alternative?
@LetTheRedeemed said in Reversal of hair loss in Mice with “sugar gel”:
@Hearthfire I do wish to clarify that I don’t mean to bully others into not joining the forum. But those are my strongly worded reasons, lol.
Yes I’m experimenting with d-ribose, and will likely try adding dextrose. It would probably be cool to dig around about any benefits of fructose directly on the cell (given that’s 50% of table sugar and higher in honey).
Look forward to seeing what everyone discovers.
Ps, I’m doing a topical blend of methylene blue, niacinamide, and aspirin once or twice a day
where do we buy the gel??
hell of a coincidence
I have bad reactions to glycine powder
could serine/threonine be a better option?
What do people know about these 2 proteins?
@insufferable is anyone doing this but studying DHT?
There seems to be litte interest in DHT
a month ago someone mentioned topical ribose completely unconnected to this study though