This is has last post from almost 10 years ago.
Posts made by dan.dominic
Anyone have contact with "metabolic veteran", Ray Peat Forum Refugee, VisionOfStrength?
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@risingfire I think he said he used to be overweight/obese.
High Fluid intake is underrated for Bowel and Kidney Efficency
Even when I'm not thirsty, as in intense craving for fluids, and I drink a liter or two of water, everything starts working better. Appetite increases dramatically, intestines begin to move, brain clears up. Considering the interplay between the kidneys and the colon, it wouldn,t be suprising that as the frequency of your urination decreases that the frequency of your inttestines will also decrease.
Maybe this will help someone who's unecessarily restricting liquid and struggling with intenstinal motility and/or poor appetite.
However, I see how mainstream water recommandations can go wrong for people, like a 130 pound women drinking 3-4 liters a day in some instances, while restricting sodium can have really bad consequences.
RE: Brain sex differences: the androgynous brain is advantageous for mental health and well-being
@Norwegian-Mugabe I think they pick more "feminine" men because they pick someone who has the same phenotype as them (estrogenic). Assortative pairing shows this.
RE: Personal Log - Digestion, energy, vitality
@questforhealth You can laugh all you want cause the b1 chemical is still the b1 chemical. People laugh at those who would dare say that sodomy and 8 month abortion is immoral, so being laughed at over nutrition is nothing.
I don't take the vitamin's I just know that your mindset is really destructive and limiting if taken to its logical conclusion because I took it there doing things like not eating salt cause "its a rock" (aajonus) or not drinking water cause "its a solvent" and doing all sorts of crazy things. Also doing things like not cooking my foods due to a false view of what nature consists of. I know people who have been stuck in that mindset for over 5 years and still aren't "detoxed" yet.
RE: Personal Log - Digestion, energy, vitality
@questforhealth You realize that saying "eat natural" presupposes that people know what is or isn't natural, and also that your vision of what nature entails has always been that way for tens of thousands of years. Meanwhile, we only have eyewitnesses for a few thousand. Manufactured B1 might not be "naturally occuring in food" but that does not mean that it is unnatural for mankind to bring order to nature and manufacture vitamins and use them for their advantage. In fact, this is a part of the basis of nature, that mankind subdues the earth in a mutualistic relationship.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@GreekDemiGod I think its a woman. "lilrawhoney" right?
RE: Brain sex differences: the androgynous brain is advantageous for mental health and well-being
@Jakeandpace Yea it’s sad. You can see how males have much higher rates of autism, suicixe, and also violent crimes. When the environment is toxic, they seem suffer more. The same is true in the other way around though, when the environment is good men excel to much higher heights in every way.
RE: Brain sex differences: the androgynous brain is advantageous for mental health and well-being
@Norwegian-Mugabe Yea but I think a lot of the "woman taking on male roles" is driven by the fact that in a toxic environment, the men end up suffering more severely (as shown by the studies on what influences male infant mortality) so then the women are the ones who are left with the motivation to persue the roles. Then its a vicious cycle and a feedback loop once you deal with the fury of a female boss or female teachers.
We need salvation.
RE: Brain sex differences: the androgynous brain is advantageous for mental health and well-being
@questforhealth Have you ever seen that distribution curve where the most intelligent people are allmost exclusively men, but also the most stupid people are almost exclusively men. However, women are moreso an even distribution throughout. I think this explains it. When men are in healthy situations, they excel past women for the most part. But in unhealthy situations, women thrive more. This can be seen in the increase in proportion of female births during stressful events. Aka "The bigger they are, the harder they fall".
RE: Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave
@DavidPS I wouldnt be suprised if you can go many many years without it. All in all, Im skeptical of the mainstream view of what defines a vitamin or a nutrient. The thing is that what the deficiency studies on Vitamin A show is that this nutrient cures certain symptoms wihtin the organism. It is also a cofactor for steroids. And since I think that writing off good symtpoms as "stopping the detox" or "stress hormones" has no basis in reality, I accept all substances that promote recovery, strength, and stamina.
RE: Best Carbs for Athletes To Use Instead Of Rice/Potatoes, Recipes For Juice/Gelatin
IMO eat more fats combined with your carbs. Breast milk is about 1.6g:1.0g Carbs to Fats. So if you’re getting 200g of carbs, and use that ratio, you should already have PLENTY of energy substrates.
Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave
A lot of great points in this video:
RE: Feeling unemotional since Peating. Thoughts?
@aeblyve What are your macros like?
RE: Help me pooped without irritating my skin
@Samyo What is your hydration like? Fiber soaks up a lot of water.
RE: How libertarian leaning is this forum?
@Ecstatic_Hamster Everyone is interconnected. Even harming yourself harms everyone.
Peat's 50g of protein per day-- Breast Milk Mimicking Diet?
Anyone have experience eating macros like this? Seems like all the most delectable foods have somewhere around this ratio (although a bit more protein):
RE: I have been banned on the RPF for posting this study on Vitamin A...
@Mauritio There’s something about the way the anti-Vitamin A people talk that is extremely disturbing for me to read. And I think it’s what you said : their claims are unfalsifiable in principle alone. If you feel better with Vitamin A, you stopped the detox. If you feel worse on the protocol, you are detoxing. It’s so disturbing to argue with people like this.
RE: I will show you why I am an anarcho capitalist libertarian
@peatyourmeat and I was responding to your comment on philosophy not to the original poster.