@brad Thanks for your reply, Brad.
The extent to which the blue rectangle (is that what the acronym CSS refers to?) blocks text depends on how zoomed-in or zoomed-out my screen is. I'll show two screen shots:
1st: zoomed in (on my laptop at the setting I use most frequently, especially to squint and read posted screen shots);
and 2nd: zoomed out where the main text of the thread is no longer blocked, but the "Reply Quote [three vertical dots to edit my own post]" is still blocked.
It's the latter case that's most frustrating. Having said this, now I worry about coming off as more than a wee bit "precious," asking for customization that may only affect me and my habit of changing zoom settings frequently while browsing bioenergetic.forum
My wish would be to be able to click to suppress the blue rectangle somehow (or somehow make it much smaller), but I'll understand if you and others think it's my problem and suggest I just keep zooming in and out to avoid the problem of overlap obscuring text. Sometimes I don't have a mouse with a mousewheel and changing the zoom settings becomes tedious.
Zoomed in screenshot:
Zoomed out where vertical three dots with 'edit' function is covered up:
Am I missing something easy here?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts or advice.