@Amazoniac Very good and rather pressing suggestion imo, unsurprising coming from a great poster from RPF. I personally like tags and advanced searches, but the present subdivision of this forum is lacking, especially if it was grow large.
If someone would like to re-post full topics to twitter (similar to thread unrolling but from forum to Twitter with basic censoring) this might be useful. It would only need a dedicated forum account to tag in topics to be reposted.
(Twitter integration is trivial and left as an exercises for the reader.)
@mostlylurking Nevermind, I figured it out. If some time has passed (more that 3600seconds?), then "Delete Post?" actually means "Delete Edit?" and choosing "Delete Post?" deletes the edit without deleting the original post.
@Norwegian-Mugabe I hope to keep it as open as possible for as long as possible, ideally forever. My ideal scenario is that we use cultural norms and soft moderation to keep the quality of discussion high.
Is it actually possible to substitute in either direction. Maybe just a temporary lack of control and engagement in some. Many ways a person can delude themselves. Misappropriate their condition and capability.
I don't know. So this isn't an objection. I'll be creating some posts on the subject at some point.