These threads are the gossip magazines of Peat-forums ...
Are you seriously trying to figure out the truth by analyzing the cosmetic appearance of ecelebs?

Posts made by Atman
RE: Tracking down the mysterious cause of Dr. Paul Saladino's shockingly rapid aging
RE: Incredible archive of every book Dr. Peat has mentioned
@Corngold I completely agree. He was an example of a true intellectual, philosopher, scholar or whatever you want to call it. Being well read in wide range of topics is one of the key characteristics of such a person. His aim is to better understand nature and natures does not care about our categorization of phenomena into a miriad of buckets. So if he wants to advance in his endeavor, he must think about all areas of knowledge and their relationship with each other, only temporally focusing on a given subject.
So pretty much the opposite of the typical, modern (career-) "scientist" at universities, who does not even read the papers of the neighboring colleague five doors down the hall, let alone old classic works from other fields. And why should he? It doesn't help him getting his papers accepted and winning grants.
RE: Incredible archive of every book Dr. Peat has mentioned
Very impressive work cyclos17.
This has probably taken hundreds of hours of manual work or the use of some very advanced and heavily customized tools.I downloaded the GIT-Repo just to be sure.
Many of these books have still active copyright. -
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
Did @Prometheus88 get banned, if so, why?
RE: Where do I start 17m
@LucH said in Where do I start 17m:
begin by reading Jessie Inaupsché book or this link to learn how to handle glycemia.You are promoting a professional team of grifters selling overprized junk supplements to gullible people. The young, sexy "science" lady explains you everything about nutrition.
@S-Holmes said in Where do I start 17m:
Do you have experience with glucose?
If so, please share. I did what you suggested here and after more than 10 years, never fully recovered. Glucose has made the biggest difference for us (husband and myself). Glucose is pure brain food, and fuels every cell in the body. Certainly won't hurt and worth a try.I have nothing against glucose, in fact, I eat several hundred grams of it every day in form of fruits, honey, potatoes, etc. . But I think OP does not have to read hundreds of obscure forum posts to understand that glucose is important, nor does he have to swallow pure glucose tablets in a meticulously timed fashion to get along. He might just drink a bit of grape juice or eat a piece of pineapple once he feels the appetite for it. But I guess this would be too simple...
RE: Where do I start 17m
@S-Holmes said in Where do I start 17m:
@gg12 You might want to begin over on the glucose loading thread.
Don't do that, it's unnecessary.
Instead, limit your time "researching" for your "problem" on the internet.@Peatful said in Where do I start 17m:
You’re young
You will be ok
Your body is resilient
Just be consistent - without becoming orthorexic1- go low low PUFA
2- eat balanced macros. 40/30/30 or 50/20/20 c/f/pYou will slowly heal over time
Congratulations on taking charge of your health at such a young ageBest to you…
This is all you need.
In addition, do some regular physical activity, go outside, and talk with people.I highly recommend to stay away from fringe internet forums if you are that young and inexperienced. Their signal to noise ratio has become abysmal nowadays.
If you are intellectually inclined, read high quality source material from people worth listening to like Ray Peat instead. -
RE: Race, genes and serotonin - factors contributing to antisocial behaviors"
Most people here don't subscribe to neo-darwinism, i.e. random dna mutations and natural selection being the driving force of evolution.
This is a good article to start with if you are interested in Peat's perspective: -
RE: INSOLUBLE FIBER DEPRESSION - What I learned from wheat germ
@mikeyd How do babies survive with 0g of fiber for 2 years+?
RE: CHEWING the most bioenergetic practice
@mikeyd Yes, I think this is an underestimated topic. Incomplete chewing probably synergizes with other problematic trends of today like watching videos or reading while eating. Do you talk from your own experience or are these observations and studies you came across?
The rumbling sensation of the small intestine and stomach I experienced myself multiple times. If I am in a phase when this happens more often, my digestion and overall energy level is definetely better. I still have to pinpoint what exactely throws me out of these good phases. I suspect that it is a slow process of getting worse, which might span multiple days or weeks, and that's why it is so hard to notice.
I am currently also investigating psychological circumstances, like ones mindset and world view, and their influence on digestion. Peat mentioned for example that prolonged anxiety can lead to a very sluggish digestion. He even mentions the "bowel sounds" you have brought up. -
RE: Importing Cynomel to Germany
That's really bad news. I ordered many times from them over the years and eventually in always came through.
RE: What to do as a giga fatty?
Go for a walk (~1 hour+) everyday.
This is much more enjoyable and healthy than running.In addition, once or twice a week, do some moderate strength training, for example bodyweight exercises with good form and low speed. 20 minutes per session is all it takes. You can read "body by science" if you are interested in the theoretical background and details of that recommendation.
In 6-12 months, you will be transformed, 110 kg isnt that bad.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
I have listened to the whole first talk which was linked in this thread and I am not impressed. He did not really address the difference between taking pure glucose and consuming starchy / sweet foods except of saying "the brain has turned down the valve" due to "glucose limiting injuries", whatever that is supposed to mean. But somehow pure glucose is avoiding this "turning down of the valve".
I think the results he gets with his patients are a mixture of providing glucose which is easily assimilated and a placebo effect. Drinking a coke is probably just as effective as swallowing 10 dextrose tablets. -
RE: Friends
I think if people are really attracted to each other, either romantically or platonically, they will find a way to meet up, especially nowdays, when you can be at the other side of the globe within a day.
However, I imagine the kind of people who are into reading Ray Peat's work might not be very numerous and at the same time perhaps not the most sociable, and instead tending to cherish a certain level of solitude.Where do you live? Maybe there are some people here from that area, who are willing to meet up.
RE: The ethics of having children while in sub-standard metabolic condition
Good luck then. I think there is no other country in which it is easier to get neetbux than in Germany. Of course in general, I despise the welfare state system and people who abuse it, but since we are currently in an era of decline and we desperately need a major societal crisis, I encourage anyone to abuse the rotten system as much as possible to accelerate the inevitable.In regards to the medical system, yes, it's best to stay as far away from it as possible. The are only a few exceptions like trauma surgery when you have fallen from a rootop or something similar.
RE: Has anyone felt worse after eating seed oils?
@lanadelesoteric said in Has anyone felt worse after eating seed oils?:
I've always felt better after seed oils. Mcdonalds or slop always makes me feels good. But this is how you know its from the devil.
That's weird. Maybe you have never had a high quality homemade burger?
I had my fair share of BigMacs as a child and I loved them, but I didn't know any better. Now, after many years of cooking my own food, I can hardly get them down when I travel and have no other option. -
RE: The ethics of having children while in sub-standard metabolic condition
Absolutely incredible...
Thanks for sharing.
Did you get the neetbux? -
RE: Grant Genereux admits he "didn't do a whole lot a research" for his anti-vitamin A books
I am not disregarding science in general, just the current state of what we call "scientists". I expect the next breakthrough to be much more likely to come from someone like Grant, who is not an official scientist, than from the average university phd lab worker. The fact that it was a miss in the case of Grant doesn't matter for me. His general attitude of not caring about established beliefs and making new wild hypothesis and experiments is the way to go. -
RE: Grant Genereux admits he "didn't do a whole lot a research" for his anti-vitamin A books
I like his personality and his renegade experimentation approach. We desperately need that again. Today, people believe the only source of truth are universities and other large reasearch fascilities, where an army of lab workers, called scientists, are doing "research" with expensive machinery producing papers desperately trying to confirm the most recent, narrow minded trend which is supposed to be pushed. Thank god they are continuously losing credibility for many years now.
That being said, I agree with the rest in this thread in that I am not convinced by his vitamin A theory. -
I know people don't want to hear that on Peat-related forums, but have you considered that your symptoms might have psychological causes?
If you're aligning the basics of your diet with Peat's insights, you're already doing better than 99% of the population on that front. So perhaps the solution isn't the final weird supplement cocktail, diet mineral ratio or detox procedure? I am talking from personal experience. Thought and metabolism are strongly interrelated. Ironically, Ray has done a lot of work related to that, but people usually focus only on his work related to nutrition and hormone physiology, because it's more easily accessible and closer to the Zeitgeist.What does your living situation look like? Do you have family / people around you, who care about you? How many hours a day do you spend consuming media? How many hours a day do you spend doing something creative / productive? ...
RE: Bioenergetic Guide to Pregnancy?
@ILikeToGetPeatOn Good thread, I am also very interested in this topic since we plan to have children soon.
In general, I guess it is extra important to avoid unnecessary stress during pregnancy and to keep the woman well nourished at all times.
I am wondering whether any Peatarians have tried the supplemental progesterone Peat has mentioned multiple times which should lead to above average intelligence in the offspring. I asked this question quite a while ago on RPF, but hardly got any answers. It seems like many men are more interested in keeping their scalp hair and growing their penises than having superior children...