Fuck ton of sugar, caffeine, salt, a little bit of T3, b-vits (especially 1-3,6), inosine
Personally, too much protein slows me down a lot.
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
Fuck ton of sugar, caffeine, salt, a little bit of T3, b-vits (especially 1-3,6), inosine
Personally, too much protein slows me down a lot.
@Harlock I've taken 15 drops of tyromix for weeks on end with no adverse reactions. Nothing ever happens.
I am currently taking 2-3 drops of tyronene with lots of sugar and feel superhuman.
@Verdad We'll see in 10 years. I'm young and have pretty good skin. Trying to prevent aging more than anything.
@Verdad I made a homemade serum with GHK-CU and vegetable glycerin as a skincare product I applied twice daily to my face and neck. I can't speak to hair growth as I have thick hair, but the few white hairs I had disappeared over the course of a few months.
@jamezb46 How much MB would you be taking? Lowest dose I've seen in the literature to be harmful is 1mg/kg. Serotonin syndrome is considered somewhat of a meme by practicing physicians. Something you'd see 1-2x your entire career. It is really only a concern if a patient is taking a SSRI etc., which I doubt you are.
@SerotoninSkeptic Can't say I'm an expert with preg. I'd look on the old forum.
I've taken up to 100mg/day of vitacost's. Definitely not the best source. Felt relaxed, colors more vivid, time seemed to slow.
@SerotoninSkeptic 3-4mg pansterone to 1mg andro. Wouldn't take more than 5mg of DHEA or risk conversion to estrogen. Tyromix and K2 are both great.
@SerotoninSkeptic I like pansterone (DHEA+preg) in combination with androsterone
@Norwegian-Mugabe Egg soak with some bloo mixed in works wonders man. I've been wearing hats more often. Kinda look like a douchebag but getting approached by foids a lot.
@MasterPeatler I'm at the end of my first cycle. Did 250mg for a week and then 375mg.
The weight fluctuations are crazy, like 7 lbs in a day. Excited to see the results 5-7 days when I shed the water I've been holding.
@MasterPeatler Sounds like you'd grow a tumor on your pepe
@MasterPeatler @hwisdom are there any studies about this? or even any N=1s?
Idc about my foreskin but it's interesting
@MasterPeatler Cataracts pretty much only affect women. If you get peripheral neuropathy, stop immediately. Yes, antioxidants like vit C+E, NAC, are recommended. Also, aspirin and niacinamide to prevent excessive lipolysis.
@MasterPeatler A beginner DNP cycle is 250mg-375mg for 2-3 weeks. 3% BF does not sound healthy. I wouldn't worry too much if you're already 15% BF, unless you wanted to run it for aesthetic purposes.
I eat a PUFA-rich meal maybe once every week or two, no issues. I think being too anal about health is counterproductive.
@hwisdom it makes fat oxidation go turbo. If you are high in PUFAs it's probably the fastest way to nuke them, but be careful and DYOR if you choose to go this path.
@Kilgore the old forum would prolly have good info. Thx for the suggestion.
I lowkey have hair similar to Spike, except for the exaggerated "spike" at the front.