@crsnpalmer i see a lot about athletic performance from injectable and have been really wanting to try it out. What were your experiences? What dose, brand, etc can you talk about as well?
There is a difference between taking 1mg and 20mg, but I might go for 20mg if I was going through some procedure where melatonin is protective, and there is evidence for that in for instance radiation therapy.
Small thing, I lost a bit of weight and I haven't gained anything even though I don't work out as much. I honestly think it's because of using coconut oil.
Foodwise, Its a good idea to put your avg daily diet into cronometer and then slowly change up foods to decrease PUFA if needed, balance out macros or reduce tryptophan etc etc
@stolkovandrew Facial asymmetry either results from or has the same underlying cause as impure thoughts and actions. Is there something you aren't telling us?
AFAIK trenbolone has weird progestin-like activity, which is never a good thing (progestins are harmful and counterproductive, compared to progesterone)
@Fructose If you have problems with hypertension and tachycardia, do not take it. I know how adrenaline and noradrenaline affect me. Sometimes I just went crazy. (after using Ritalin)
Every once in a while I still have trouble falling asleep. It doesn't happen as often since mostly cutting out seed/vegetable oils in daily diet, but every once in a while it still hits where I'll only get a couple of hours in a night. Been supplementing D3 during winter mornings, B complex somewhat regularly in mornings, small doses of cynoplus in morning and cynomel afternoon and before bed, as well as magnesium bisglycinate and occasionally an aspirin with baking soda or just baking soda in water before bed. Have raw carrots every day, carrot salads on weekend. Don't have a stressful job, so don't think that's much of a factor (not dreading or dwelling on anything in particular). Any recommendations would be appreciated