PB2 is decent if you get a craving for pb / banana / honey sandwich. Regular peanut butter gives me awful stomach pain and indigestion.
If you want to read more about peanuts and peanut butter (largely an American food) read this book:
Creamy and Crunchy: An Informal History of Peanut Butter, the All-American Food by Jon Krampner
It's very interesting and goes into some of the economic and nutrition aspects of peanuts/pb industry.
One thing that stuck is the idea of aflatoxin from bird poop leeching into peanut butter when it rained because peanut butter factories wouldn't fix their leaking roofs. Terrible!
From AI:
Aflatoxins were first identified in commercial turkeys in the 1960s, and they are known to cause acute toxicity, known as "Turkey-X disease".
Research has shown that aflatoxins can cause reduced weight gain, impaired immune function, and liver damage in birds.
In contrast, avian influenza, particularly the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) strains, can cause severe disease and high mortality rates in poultry and some wild birds.
Gotta wonder if something similar is going on with "bird flu" and the chicken / egg insanity.