@Sugar Hi, he says at the beginning that the greatest biofeedback in life is the euphoria when we win or "achieve" what we want, and that guys who are in a "child like state of Wonder" try to recreate the euphoria of winning through food such as sugar,
which in my experience is not the case at all, the foods and life factors that are optimal for us take us out of the state where we feel excitement only or mostly when we perceive "achievement" or "winning" in things we want, and bring us to a state where we feel a very high degree of well being, joy, relaxation, without doing anything, lying down, and we can also in part potentially feel a even higher degree of well-being, joy and appreciation of movement, of the sun, in itself, regardless of whether we perceive it as "winning" and/or "achievement"
Deriving exitation solely or primarily from the perception of "meaning", "achievement","Victory" (common ideas from Jordan and Andrew) is associated with a suboptimal degree of energy, and this feeling of exitation is totally different from and considerably less enjoyable than the feeling of a very high degree of well-being, joy, serenity, relaxation, optimism that we can get through the foods and life factors that are optimal for us